Megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who recovered from COVID-19, is gearing up for many projects. The actor has become the first celebrity in India to be the voice of Amazon Alexa. The announcement was made on Monday, September 14. The team of Amazon Alexa will work closely with Bachchan in order to offer unique experience to the users. It will include jokes, weather, shayaris, and motivational quotes, among other interesting things.

Amitabh Bachchan becomes the first celebrity voice on Alexa in India

"Bachchan's voice is truly memorable for any Indian who has grown-up with Bollywood. This combination delivers a perfect pitch to further delight and simplifies the lives of our customers," said Puneesh Kumar, Country Leader for Alexa, Amazon India, in an official statement.

The company said that it will be available on the devices in 2021.

ALSO READ: Amitabh Bachchan shares a then-and-now picture; expresses shock at seeing his transformation

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